Determinants of Creative Capital Development at a Local Level: Case Study Municipalities of Podkarpackie, Poland


  • Katarzyna Szara University of Rzeszów, Faculty of Economics



Creative class, creative capital, community, factors, Poland


Although it is highly controversial, the concept proposed by R. Florida has an interesting and important feature, visible from a time perspective. Indeed, the theory of creative class started research into economic development based on creativity. Generally, there are no empirical studies focusing on these issues at the local level. The present study is an attempt to identify determinants of local development and to assess municipalities from the viewpoint of creative capital engagement. To achieve this the study analysed opinions acquired from representatives of municipal offices and representatives of local populations across Podkarpackie, one of the 16 regions of Poland. The findings show that municipalities of the Podkarpackie Region vary in terms of determinants for creative capital development.


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