Linking Destination Brand Personality, Self-congruity and Tourist Behaviour: A Local Spa resort case study


  • Ausra Rutelione Kaunas University of Technology, School of Economics and Business
  • Rimantė Hopenienė Kaunas University of Technology, School of Economics and Business
  • Kristina Žalimienė Kaunas University of Technology, School of Economics and Business



destination brand personality, self-congruity theory, tourist behavioural intentions, local spa resort


This study was designed to explore the relationship between destination brand personality, self-congruity and the behavioral intentions of tourists at a local spa resort. The findings indicate that domestic tourists (N=232) of the spa resort attribute personal characteristics to the destination, and the brand personality of this resort is a combination of five dimensions which positively correlate with the tourists’ intentions to return to and recommend the location. The results of the study also confirm that the self-congruity theory can be applied to a spa destination, as positive relationships between all four self-congruity dimensions and intentions to recommend were found. However, our research reveals that there is negative though insignificant correlation between social self-congruity and intention to return.


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